Why dogs like to pee everywhere


Anyone who owns a dog knows that dogs sometimes like to pee everywhere, especially when they are out and about. For dogs, peeing is actually a powerful “sexual” stimulus.

If a female dog is able to move around during the estrous period, she will try to urinate anywhere, in order to let the male dog know of her presence and to entice the male dog to come closer to her. This is because the female’s urine contains a chemical odor that attracts the male’s attention.

Similarly, male dogs also have the same behavior, but male dogs have another role in urinating, is to determine their own sphere of influence, causing other male dogs to notice and avoid.

Puppies urinate anywhere is a kind of “communication” behavior, puppies like in the corners, lamp posts, tree heads, garbage cans, fire hoses and door frames, etc. near a few drops of urine, and then use the hind legs to scratch.

Some puppies will also urinate indiscriminately in their kennels and then play with other puppies in the same kennel, which is actually a social activity for puppies to communicate with each other.

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